Beyond Certification

Author: Poynton Scot
Publisher: Taylor & Francis


Certification emerged from the 1992 Rio Earth Summit amidst ~great hope that we would finally begin to address the wicked environmental ~and social problems facing our globe. Despite a proliferation ~of certification schemes in twenty-five industry sectors over more than ~twenty years, the environmental and social ills resulting from destructive ~and irresponsible exploitation of natural and human resources have ~grown still worse. ~Beyond Certification reviews the positive aspects of certification, of which ~there are many. But more important, it argues that we can no longer afford ~to gloss over its failures. It is powerfully clear we need a very different ~approach and set of actions to managing wicked problems like deforestation ~and exploitation. The book offers one alternative model, based on Values, ~Transparency, Transformation and Verification, and shares stories of how ~farsighted people in very large corporations in a number of industries have ~adopted this model to manage natural resources far more responsibly ~while also benefitting local communities. Part of the power of this model ~is that the companies work in partnership with an extensive network of ~NGOs, local communities, suppliers, and other stakeholders to effect ~needed change. ~Beyond Certification does not claim that this VT-TV model is the only ~solution. Rather, it serves to show how new and seemingly radical ~thinking can resonate so strongly with many people and companies ~that it catalyzes positive change. It makes the case for our continuing to invest more thought and proactive energy to develop still other ~approaches to grappling with the serious issues confronting us all, ~before it is too late.

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