Chapter 17 Samhandling and Trust in Military Leadership Structures

Author: Bergh Johan, Boe Ole, Bergh Johan, Boe Ol
Publisher: Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)


"The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the importance of trust in military ~samhandling. Trust serves as one of the main prerequisites for effective collaboration ~(Kouzes & Posner, 2003). The Norwegian Armed Forces’ (NAF) core business is ~the planning and execution of military operations (Forsvarsstaben, 2014). One of ~the main tasks of the NAF is to plan for the unexpected and, ultimately, for war. The ~chapter further discuss trust in military leadership, and leadership and situational ~awareness. Leadership as a social interaction process that builds trust is discussed, ~and samhandling is seen in a military context. A basic “trust-based model” of samhandling ~is introduced and viewed in terms of internal and external framework factors. ~The chapter concludes that trust is still quite an open concept, and that trust ~is essential for the effective accomplishment of military missions. The basic trust ~model is an attempt to underline understanding of the importance of trust in a ~military planning and leadership context."

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