Chapter 6 Apprenticeship Learning in Preparation for Meeting the Unforeseen

Author: Nyhus Ingrid, Steiro Trygve J., Torgersen Glenn-Egi
Publisher: Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)


"The chapter analyzes teaching where the goal is to enable students at the ~Armed Forces Staff College to master unforeseen events. The students are all participants ~in a program for joint operations in which different military branches are placed ~together to solve complex tasks. How can the supervisor contribute to increased ~samhandling when facing the unforeseen? The goal is for students to be able to cope ~with the roles that exist in a normal NATO headquarters and to learn how to use ~NATO’s operational planning strategy. The group supervisor becomes a form of ~master who greatly influences the approach of students to the training community. ~From a sample of one hundred students, five groups consisting of four to five students ~of both sexes, with varied defense-force affiliations, backgrounds and experience ~were selected to be interviewed. A total of 23 informants participated in the ~interviews. In addition, observations were carried out. Apprenticeship Learning as a ~method is appropriate to prepare the students better for samhandling in anticipation ~of the unforeseen. The way the supervisor manages his or her role has a great deal of ~impact on samhandling and learning outcomes. The supervisor’s insight and expertise ~in what is needed to make groups work together is decisive. Strengthening and ~developing samhandling in exercises is a suitable educational method for military ~forces in meeting unforeseen events, provided that it is done properly."

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