Chapter 7 The challenge of creating a more diverse economics

Author: Dymski Gary A
Publisher: Taylor & Francis


This paper reflects on the experience of the 1999–2002 minority ~pipeline program (MPP) at the University of California, Riverside. With ~support from the American Economic Association, the MPP identifi ed ~students of color interested in economics, let them explore economic ~issues aff ecting minority communities, and encouraged them to ~consider postgraduate work in economics. The MPP’s successes and ~failures can be traced to the shifting balance in California’s racialized ~political economy, especially a state ballot initiative forbidding the ~use of applicant race or ethnicity in University of California admission ~decisions, and to the transformation of economics itself, especially at ~the level of doctoral training. The MPP experience may be of relevance ~for other eff orts to increase racial/ethnic diversity in social science ~disciplines.

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