Chapter 9 Moral Responsibility and the Justification of Policies to Preserve Antimicrobial Effectiveness

Author: Giubilini Alberto , Savulescu J
Publisher: Springer Nature


Restrictive policies that limit antimicrobial consumption, including therapeutically ~justified use, might be necessary to tackle the problem of antimicrobial ~resistance. We argue that such policies would be ethically justified when forgoing ~antimicrobials constitutes a form of easy rescue for an individual. These are cases ~of mild and self-limiting infections in otherwise healthy patients whose overall ~health is not significantly compromised by the infection. In such cases, restrictive ~policies would be ethically justified because they would coerce individuals into fulfilling ~a moral obligation they independently have. However, to ensure that such ~justification is the strongest possible, states also have the responsibility to ensure ~that forgoing antimicrobials is as easy as possible for patients by implementing ~adequate compensation measures.

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