Chapter Operational Validation of Search and Rescue Robots

Author: Cubber Geert De, Doroftei Daniela, Balta Haris, Matos Anibal, Silva Eduardo, Serrano Daniel, Govindaraj Shashank, Roda Rui, Lobo Victor, Marques Mário, Wagemans Ren
Publisher: InTechOpen


This chapter describes how the different ICARUS unmanned search and rescue tools have been evaluated and validated using operational benchmarking techniques. Two large‐scale simulated disaster scenarios were organized: a simulated shipwreck and an earthquake response scenario. Next to these simulated response scenarios, where ICARUS tools were deployed in tight interaction with real end users, ICARUS tools also participated to a real relief, embedded in a team of end users for a flood response mission. These validation trials allow us to conclude that the ICARUS tools fulfil the user requirements and goals set up at the beginning of the project.

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