Choosing Your Career

Author: LaGuardia Community College
Publisher: None


One of the major components of the First Year Seminar in Natural Sciences (NSF101) is to introduce students to library research. The library orientation session exposes students to library resources such as books, videos, journals, databases. The "Choosing Your Career" assignment reinforces using the library by searching for information on a career, retrieving sources from select databases and evaluating the information found in a written reflection. Reflection questions are added to guide the student in their search and their approach to their career choice.The goal is to integrate library literacy as part of their developing college learning skills. This assignment effectively introduces information literacy as the ability to find and use information and critically think about the information found when deciding on a career path.This assignment consists of the following; 90-minute library orientation session (one lecture session) followed up by library research (students' time) initial draft (hard copy for instructor comments) written revision (students' time) a final written 1500-word research reflection. (deposited on student ePortfolio) Objectives1. Identify one science profession that interests you2. Research the profession using library resources3. Write a 1500-word reflection including the questions posed

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