City in Sight

Author: van Niekerk Mies, Hendriks Frank, Duyvendak Jan Willem
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press


Huge social transformations and turbulent political events - 9/11 and the political murders of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh - have put urban issues high on the political agenda of the Netherlands. Against this background, the contributors to this volume bring the city in sight from various disciplinary perspectives and relate their research findings to both national and international debates on urban problems. In this way, City in Sight not only provides insight into the most urgent questions of contemporary cities in the Netherlands, but also how these relate to similar problems in other countries as well.De bijdragen in deze bundel geven zicht op de stad en stedelijke verandering vanuit verschillende invalshoeken. De auteurs plaatsen hun bevindingen in de context van het Nederlandse en internationale debat over stedelijke problematiek. City in Sight laat zien wat de meest prangende kwesties zijn waar Nederlandse steden zich momenteel voor gesteld zien.~

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