Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society

Author: Iowa State University Open Books
Publisher: None


This is a free textbook geared towards college-level courses about dress and identity. The purpose of the book is to help students learn about dress, identity, and how these topics intersect with marginalized communities. Everyone interacts with different people in their day-to-day lives. Having a greater understanding of others can lead to a more equitable, just society. This textbook was created by Kelly L. Reddy-Best and funded by the Miller Open Education Mini-Grant Program at Iowa State University. Extra care and effort were involved to assure you have access to high-quality, affordable course materials. I am interested in your experience using these materials and welcome your feedback. If you find any issues or missing areas in this text or want to offer positive feedback email me at klrb@iastate.edu.

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