Essays on Plato’s Epistemology

Author: Trabattoni Franc
Publisher: Leuven University Press


Through a careful survey of severalsignificant Platonic texts, mainlyfocussing on the nature of knowledge,Essays on Plato’s Epistemologyoffersthe reader a fresh and promisingapproach to Plato’s philosophy as awhole. From the very earliest receptionof Plato’s philosophy, there has beena conflict between a dogmatic and asceptical interpretation of his work andthought. Moreover, the two sides areoften associated, respectively, with ametaphysical and an anti-metaphysicalapproach. This book, continuing a lineof thought that is nowadays stronglypresent in the secondary literature, maintainsthat a third way of thinking is required.Against the widespread view that ananti-dogmatic philosophy must gotogether with an anti-metaphysical stance, Trabattoni shows that for Plato,on the contrary, a sober and reasonableassessment of both the powers and limits of human reason relies on a propermetaphysical outlook.

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