June 1967 in Personal Stories of Palestinians and Israelis

Author: Bendix Regina F., Haidar Aziz, Salamon Hagar
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen


The clash of June 1967, called by Israelis the Six-Day War and by Palestinians ~the Naksa (setback), is a critical milestone within the longstanding Israeli- ~Palestinian conflict. Despite all the scholarly attention ever since, there remain ~unheard voices and untold stories. It is the personal stories of people in the ~region that are at the center of this book. How do they remember 1967? How ~were their lives affected, even changed dramatically as a result of that short war? ~Listening to their stories as told some 50 years later, an incomplete tapestry ~of memories and understandings emerge. This book is the product of a re- ~search collaboration among Palestinian, Israeli and European folklorists, cultural ~anthropologists and sociologists. The personal stories were collected in the ~framework of interviews with men and women from all walks of life, on the days ~before, during and after this dramatic confrontation. The book is comprised of ~eleven chapters based on a corpus of several hundred conversations, as well ~as eight representative interviews. Together they afford insight into differential ~memories and sensations, visions of euphoria and despair, newly revived hopes, ~pain and disappointment, disillusionment and repentance.

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