Once Upon A Time In Connecticut

Author: Caroline Clifford Newton


If this little volume gives to the children of Connecticut a truer appreciation of the early history of the state in which they live, its purpose will have been achieved. A knowledge of Connecticut's history, its men and the work they have accomplished, should arouse the devotion and loyalty of every Connecticut boy and girl to the state and its welfare; and that it shall do so is the hope of those by whom this work has been projected and under whose auspices it has been published.I. THE HOUSE OF HOPE AND THE CHARTER OAKII. TWO INDIAN WARRIORSIII. A HARBOR FOR SHIPSIV. THREE JUDGESV. THE FORT ON THE RIVERVI. THE FROGS OF WINDHAMVII. OLD WOLF PUTNAMVIII. THE BULLET-MAKERS OF LITCHFIELDIX. NEWGATE PRISONX. THE DARK DAYXI. A FRENCH CAMP IN CONNECTICUTXII. NATHAN HALE

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