Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami

Author: Hovingh E.F., Erasmu
Publisher: Huygens instituut/Brill


This thirty-first volume in Erasmus' Opera omnia (ASD) is the sixth within 'ordo' VI, that is the 'ordo' of the New Testament and the Annotations; the Paraphrases ~belong to 'ordo' VII. The division into 'ordines' - each 'ordo' being devoted to a ~specific literary or thematic category - was laid down by Erasmus himself for the ~posthumous publication of his works (see General introduction, ASD I, pp. x, ~xvii-xviii, and C. Reedijk, Tandem bona causa triumphat. Zur Geschichte des ~Gesamtwerkes des Erasmus von Rotterdam. Vortrage der Aeneas-Silvius-Stiftung an ~der Universitat Basel, XVI, Basel/Stuttgart, 1980, p. 12 sqq., 21-22). ~The present volume (tom. VI, 6, edited by ~F. Hovingh, Rotterdam) contains ~the second part of the Annotationes in Nouum Testamentum, to wit the Annotations ~on John and Acts. ~The Annotations on the other books of the New Testament will be published ~in ASD VI, 7-10. ASD VI, 1-4 will comprise Erasmus' edition of the New Testament ~(Greek and Latin); tom. VI, 2 Oohn and Acts, ed. Andrew J. Brown) was ~published in 2001. The order of publication depends on when the respective volumes ~are finished. ~With regard to the edition of 'ordo' VI the Editorial Board is much indebted ~to Professor H.J. de Jonge (Leiden) for his expert advice. ~The Editorial Board and the editor of the present volume are grateful to all ~libraries that kindly put books, photostats, microfilms, and bibliographical ~material at their disposal.

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