Surveilling masses and unveiling human rights

Author: Kosta Elen
Publisher: Tilburg University Press


In this inaugural address I will first discuss the procedures in front of the UK IPT ~in the 10 Human Rights Organisations case, followed by a short presentation of the ~applications against actions of UK intelligence agencies in Big Brother Watch and ~in Bureau of Investigative Journalism that were directly submitted to the ECtHR. I ~will then turn to the issue of admissibility in secret surveillance cases, where the ~victims cannot prove that they have been directly affected by the surveillance measures, ~and will analyse the protection afforded by the ECtHR in light of its recent ~case law. After a short presentation of Articles 8 and 10 ECHR this inaugural ~address will focus on the discussion of the requirements that are established in ~Article 8(2) ECHR that when satisfied, justify an interference with the right to privacy: ~legality, legitimacy and necessity. The penultimate section will assess the recent ~case law of the CJEU in blanket data retention and surveillance cases. Finally I will ~close this inaugural address with a summary of my main findings and will conclude ~with thoughts for further research that I intend to undertake in the coming years.

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