The Civic Potential of Video Games

Author: Kahne Joseph, Middaugh Ellen, Evans Chri
Publisher: The MIT Press


This report draws from the 2008 Pew Teens, Video Games, and ~Civics Survey, a national survey of youth and their experiences ~with video games done in partnership with Amanda Lenhart at ~the Pew Internet and American Life Project, with funding from ~the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. That ~survey led to the report, “Teens, Video Games, and Civics,” ~which examines the nature of young people’s video game play ~as well as the context and mechanics of their play. In addition ~to examining the relationship between gaming and youth civic ~engagement, “Teens, Video Games, and Civics” also provides a ~benchmark for video and online gaming among young people ~on a national level and the first broad, impartial look at the size ~and scope of young people’s general gaming habits.

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