The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age

Author: Davidson Cathy N., Goldberg David The
Publisher: The MIT Press


This John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Report is ~a redaction of the argument in our book-in-progress, currently ~titled The Future of Thinking: Learning Institutions in a Digital Age. ~That book, to be published in 2010, is merely the concrete ~(paper and online) manifestation and culmination of a long, ~complex process that brought together dozens of collaborators, ~face to face and virtually. The focus of all of this intense interchange ~was the shape and future of learning institutions. Our ~charge was to accept the challenge of an Information Age and ~acknowledge, at the conceptual as well as at the methodological ~level, the responsibilities of learning at an epistemic moment ~when learning itself is the most dramatic medium of that change. ~Technology, we insist, is not what constitutes the revolutionary ~nature of this exciting moment. It is, rather, the potential for ~shared and interactive learning that Tim Berners-Lee and other ~pioneers of the Internet built into its structure, its organization, ~its model of governance and sustainability.

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