NSCC Professional Sales Communication

Author: Linda Macdonald, Adapted by NSCC
Publisher: NSCC


The book was created by Linda MacDonald from material from Business Communication for Success [Author removed at request of original publisher]; Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers by Mike Caulfield; Business Presentation Skills by Lucinda Atwood and Christian Westin; Professional Communications by Jordan Smith, Melissa Ashman, eCampusOntario, Brian Dunphy, Andrew Stracuzzi; and APA Style Citation Tutorial by Sarah Adams and Debbie Feisst. This material is supplemented with new material on personal and social identity; rhetorical listening; inclusive language; storytelling; and territorial Land Acknowledgments. The principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion are woven throughout the textbook. Interactive H5P content enhances the student experience.This version has been adapted at NSCC for Professional Selling courses.

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