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Campaign Finance and Political Polarization: When Purists Prevail

Author:La Raja Raymond, Schaffner Bria
Publisher:University of Michigan Press
Abstract: Efforts to reform the U.S. campaign finance system typically focus on the corrupting influence of l…

Young, Female and Black

Author:Mirza Heidi Safi
Publisher:Taylor & Francis
Abstract: Young black women bear all the hallmarks of a fundamentally unequal society. They do well at school…

Manifesto for the Humanities: Transforming Doctoral Education in Good Enough Times

Author:Ann Smith Sidoni
Publisher:University of Michigan Press
Abstract: After a remarkable career in higher education, Sidonie Smith offers Manifesto for the Humanities as…

Making News at The New York Times

Author:Usher Nikk
Publisher:University of Michigan Press
Abstract: An ethnographic study of The New York Times’ business desk provides a unique vantage point to see t…

Beside You in Time

Author:Freeman Elizabet
Publisher:Duke University Press
Abstract: In Beside You in Time Elizabeth Freeman expands biopolitical and queer theory by outlining a tempor…

Science Fiction in Argentina: Technologies of the Text in a Material Multiverse

Author:Page Joann
Publisher:University of Michigan Press
Abstract: It has become something of a critical commonplace to claim that science fiction does not actually e…

Tactics of the Human

Author:Shackelford Laur
Publisher:University of Michigan Press
Abstract: Tactics of the Human: Experimental Technics in American Fiction examines the comparative perspectiv…

The Taiwan Voter

Author:Achen Christopher, Wang T.Y
Publisher:University of Michigan Press
Abstract: The Taiwan Voter examines the critical role ethnic and national identities play in politics, utiliz…

The Birth of Energy

Author:Daggett Cara Ne
Publisher:Duke University Press
Abstract: In The Birth of Energy Cara New Daggett traces the genealogy of contemporary notions of energy back…

Big Digital Humanities: Imagining a Meeting Place for the Humanities and the Digital

Author:Svensson Patri
Publisher:University of Michigan Press
Abstract: Big Digital Humanities has its origins in a series of seminal articles Patrik Svensson published in…
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