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Chapter Quality of Information within Internet of Things Data

Author:Tomás Alcañiz, Aurora González-Vidal, P. Ramallo Alfonso, F. Skarmeta Antoni
Abstract: Due to the increasing number of IoT devices, the amount of data gathered nowadays is rather large a…

Chapter A Framework for Learning System for Complex Industrial Processes

Author:Rahman Moksadur, Fentaye Amare Desalegn, Zaccaria Valentina, Aslanidou Ioanna, Dahlquist Erik, Kyprianidis Konstantino
Abstract: Due to the intense price-based global competition, rising operating cost, rapidly changing economic…

Chapter Polyimide Films for Digital Isolators

Author:Diaham Sombel, Chen Baoxin
Abstract: Digital isolators provide compelling benefits over legacy opto-couplers in terms of high speed, low…

Chapter Tidal Turbine Generators

Author:Polinder Henk, Wani Faisal, Dong Jiannin
Abstract: Recently, tidal stream turbines have become a preferable mode of harvesting tidal energy. The main …

Chapter Resilience in Critical Infrastructures: The Role of Modelling and Simulation

Author:Foglietta Chiara, Panzieri Stefan
Abstract: Resilience and risk are fundamental concepts for critical infrastructure protection, but it is comp…

Chapter xCARE: A Development Platform for Supporting Smart and Pervasive Healthcare

Author:Eloisa Vargiu, Meritxell Gómez-Martínez, Silvia Orte, Laura Ros-Freixedes, Kian Seif, David Marí, Felip Miralle
Abstract: We are assisting to an important change in the healthcare domain where healthy citizens and patient…

Chapter Machine Learning Models for Industrial Applications

Author:Enislay Ramentol, Tomas Olsson, Shaibal Baru
Abstract: More and more industries are aspiring to achieve a successful production using the known artificial…

Chapter Operationalizing Heterogeneous Data-Driven Process Models for Various Industrial Sectors through Microservice-Oriented Cloud-Based Architectu…

Author:Valdemar Lipenko, Sebastian Nigl, Andreas Roither-Voigt, Zelenay Davi
Abstract: Industrial performance optimization increasingly makes the use of various analytical data-driven mo…

Chapter The Impacts of Soil Degradation Effects on Phytodiversity and Vegetation Structure on Atacora Mountain Chain in Benin (West Africa)

Author:Farris Okou, Achille Assogbadjo, Augustin Sinsi
Abstract: Atacora mountain is a particular ecosystem of West Africa where soil degradation occurs. The presen…

Chapter Can Turn-Taking Highlight the Nature of Non-Verbal Behavior: A Case Study

Author:Mlakar Izidor, Rojc Matej, Verdonik Darinka, Majhenič Simon
Abstract: The present research explores non-verbal behavior that accompanies the management of turns in natur…
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