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Chapter Multimode Graded-Index Optical Fibers for Next-Generation Broadband Access

Author:Vázquez García Carmen, Sanchez Montero Davi
Abstract: Applied optics

Chapter Large Scale Capacitive Skin for Robots

Author:Maggiali Marco, Ascia A., Cannata Giorgio, Metta Giorgio, Natale Lorenzo, Maiolino Perl
Abstract: Communications engineering / telecommunications

Chapter Between Epidemiology and Basic Genetic Research – Systems Epidemiology

Author:Lund Eili
Abstract: Anatomy

Chapter Shape Optimization of Mechanical Components for Measurement Systems

Author:Gerina-Ancane Anita, Melnikovs Anatoly, Auzins Janis, Janushevskis Alexande
Abstract: Manufacturing industries

Chapter Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy - Useful Analytical Tool for Non-Destructive Analysis

Author:Litescu Simona-Carmen, Teodor Eugenia D., Truica Georgiana-Ileana, Tache Andreia, Radu Gabriel-Lucia
Abstract: Email: consumer/user guides

Chapter Tool-Based Design and Evaluation of Resilient Flight Control Systems

Author:Smaili Hafid, Breeman Jan, Lombaerts Thoma
Abstract: Communications engineering / telecommunications

Chapter Performance Assessment of UWB-Over-Fiber and Applications

Author:Salgado Henrique M., Pessoa Luis, Castro J.C.S., Coelho D., Oliveira J. M. B
Abstract: Organic chemistry

Chapter CREB Signaling in Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells: Implications for a Role in Brain Tumors

Author:Mantamadiotis Theo, Papalexis Nikos, Dworkin Sebastia
Abstract: Medical genetics

Chapter Subjective Factors in Flight Safety

Author:Rohacs Jozse
Abstract: Real time operating systems

Chapter MM-GB(PB)SA Calculations of Protein-Ligand Binding Free Energies

Author:Archontis Georgios, Hayes Joseph M
Abstract: Optical physics
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