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Single molecule magnets sublimated on conducting and magnetic substrates

Author:Malavolti Luigi
Publisher:Firenze University Press
Abstract: Single Molecule Magnets (SMMs) showing bistability and quantum phenomena are promising candidates f…

Molecules of an author in search of memory

Author:Dei Luigi
Publisher:Firenze University Press
Abstract: Loosely based on Primo Levi’s The Periodic Table, the play has a Fahrenheit 451 setting. In a world…

A study on cholinergic signal transduction pathways involved in short term and long term memory formation in the rat hippocampus

Author:Lana Daniele
Publisher:Firenze University Press
Abstract: Neurodegenerative processes alter neuronal and glial physiology and cause cognitive and mnemonic im…

Using the Patch-Clamp technique to shed light on ion channels structure, function and pharmacology

Author:Gualdani Roberta
Publisher:Firenze University Press
Abstract: Ion channels are membrane proteins that selectively allow ions to flow down their electrochemical g…

A Journey to the West. Observations on the Chinese Migration to Italy

Author:pedone valentina
Publisher:Firenze University Press
Abstract: This volume presents the results of a number of studies about Chinese migration to Italy carried ou…

Hydrogen production using Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNSB) cultivated under natural or artificial light conditions with synthetic or fermentation de…

Author:Adessi Alessandra
Publisher:Firenze University Press
Abstract: The aim of this thesis was to verify the feasibility of the hydrogen production process with purple…

A Guarantee System for Youth Policies. “One Step Ahead” Towards employment and autonomy

Author:Federighi Paolo , Torlone Francesca
Publisher:Firenze University Press
Abstract: The study examines a vast panorama of the policies on which depend the living and working condition…

Scalar Verb Classes

Author:Tamm Anne
Publisher:Firenze University Press
Abstract: This monograph discusses scalar verb classes. It tests theories of linguistic form and meaning, arg…

ViCES - Video Conferencing Educational Services Main Project Outcomes

Author:Caporali Enrica , Trajkovik Vladimir
Publisher:Firenze University Press
Abstract: This e-book has been developed as result of the Video Conference Educational Service (ViCES) projec…

ECLAP 2012 Conference on Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment

Author:Santucci Raffaella, Nesi Paolo
Publisher:Firenze University Press
Abstract: It has been a long history of Information Technology innovations within the Cultural Heritage areas…
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