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Labour Exploitation and Work-Based Harm

Author:Scott Sa
Publisher:Policy Press
Abstract: Labour exploitation is a highly topical though complex issue that has international resonance for t…

Disabled People, Work and Welfare

Author:Grover Chris, Piggott Linda
Publisher:Policy Press
Abstract: This is the first book to challenge the concept of paid work for disabled people as a means to ‘ind…

Education Systems and Inequalities

Author:Hadjar Andreas, Gross Christiane
Publisher:Policy Press
Abstract: How do education systems shape educational inequalities and differences in educational outcomes? An…

Toward an Inclusive Creative Writing

Author:Adsit Janell
Publisher:Bloomsbury Academic
Abstract: The creative writing workshop has existed since the early part of the 20th century, but does it ade…

What Makes Writing Academic

Author:Molinari Juli
Publisher:Bloomsbury Academic
Abstract: This book argues that what makes writing academic emerges from socio-academic and historical practi…

Interlocal Adaptations to Climate Change in East and Southeast Asia

Author:Ito Tetsuji, Tamura Makoto, Kotera Akihiko, Ishikawa-Ishiwata Yuki
Publisher:Springer Nature
Abstract: This Open Access book’s main focus is agriculture and natural resource management, disaster risk re…

Modes of Esports Engagement in Overwatch

Author:Ruotsalainen Maria, Törhönen Maria, Karhulahti Veli-Matti
Publisher:Springer Nature
Abstract: This Open Access book provides a comprehensive review of the rapidly developing esport phenomenon b…

Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Person-Centered Healthcare

Author:Kriksciuniene Dalia, Sakalauskas Virgilijus
Publisher:Springer Nature
Abstract: This open access book establishes a dialog among the medical and intelligent system domains for ign…

Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering 2020

Author:Felderer Michael, Hasselbring Wilhelm, Koziolek Heiko, Matthes Florian, Prechelt Lutz, Reussner Ralf, Rumpe Bernhard, Schaefer Ina
Publisher:Springer Nature
Abstract: This open access book provides an overview of the dissertations of the eleven nominees for the Erns…

Relational Anthropology for Contemporary Economics

Author:van Nes Jermo, Nullens Patrick, van den Heuvel Steven C.
Publisher:Springer Nature
Abstract: This open access book offers a multidisciplinary dialogue on relational anthropology in contemporar…
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