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Gerhart Hauptmann's "Before Daybreak"

Author:Bauland Pete
Publisher:University of North Carolina Press
Abstract: "Before Daybreak", the first important drama of German naturalism, was also the first play of Gerha…

Brecht and the Bible

Author:Murphy G. Ronal
Publisher:University of North Carolina Press
Abstract: This study identifies the underlying patterns of persistent biblical allusion in the work of renown…

Rainer Maria Rilke and Jugendstil

Author:Webb Karl Eugen
Publisher:University of North Carolina Press
Abstract: This study focuses on the striking relationship between one of the most important and enigmatic poe…

The Boundless Present

Author:Birrell Gordo
Publisher:University of North Carolina Press
Abstract: This volume is a study in the Romantic reshaping of space and time to evoke the fantastic interior …

Studies in Goethe's Lyric Cycles

Author:Lee Meredit
Publisher:University of North Carolina Press
Abstract: The book presents a series of interpretive readings of the "Römische Elegien", "Sonette", "Chinesis…

Heinrich von Kleist

Author:Ellis John M
Publisher:University of North Carolina Press
Abstract: Ellis's book confronts directly the most central issue of Kleist criticism: the essential nature an…

Creative Encounter

Author:Phelps Leland R., Tilo Alt A.
Publisher:University of North Carolina Press
Abstract: A collection of thirteen essays by comparatists and Germanists published in celebration of the scho…

The Letters of Arthur Schnitzler to Hermann Bahr

Author:Daviau Donald G.
Publisher:University of North Carolina Press
Abstract: Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931) and Hermann Bahr (1863-1934), two of the leading literary personaliti…

Studies in the German Drama

Author:Crosby Donald H., Schoolfield George C.
Publisher:University of North Carolina Press
Abstract: Sixteen of his former colleagues and students join in this volume in honoring Walter Silz. Concentr…

Duinesian Elegies

Author:Maria Rilke Rainer, Boney Elaine E
Publisher:University of North Carolina Press
Abstract: A poetic English rendering of Rainer Maria Rilke's "Duineser Elegien" printed together with the ori…
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