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Advancing the Learning Agenda in Jewish Education

Author:Levisohn Jon A., Kress Jeffrey S.
Publisher:Academic Studies Press
Abstract: Jewish educational projects and programs are thriving, attracting philanthropic support for excitin…

Bonobo Cognition and Behaviour

Author:Cahn Claud
Abstract: This volume includes twelve novel empirical papers focusing on the behaviour and cognition of both …

The Refugee Reception Crisis

Author:AMBROSINI MAURIZIO , Van Hootegem Arno , Bevelander Pieter , Daphi Priska , Diels Elien, Fouskas Theodoros , Hellström Anders , Hinger Sophie , Hondeghem Annie , Kováts András, Mazzola Alessandro, Mescoli Elsa, Rea Andrea, Reidsma Marije, Roblain Antoine, Stern Veren
Publisher:Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles
Abstract: The refugee question occupied centre stage at every political debate in Europe since 2015. Starting…

Le nouveau modèle européen. Volume 2

Author:Bauer Sibylle, Remacle Éric, Castanheira Micael, Chen Nathalie, Dardenne Emmanuelle, Delcourt Barbara, Dewatripont Mathias, Dony Marianne, Goetschy Janine, Legros Patrick, Pochet Philippe, Remacle Éric, Roland Gérard, Saint-Paul Gilles, Santander Sebastian, Sapir André, Siotis Georges, Smits Catherine, TELO' MARIO, Wasmer Étienne, Weerts Laurence, Weyembergh Anne
Publisher:Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles
Abstract: La « méthode Monnet » de construction européenne serait-elle en voie de s'épuiser ? De nombreux ind…

The Practice of Philology in the Nineteenth-Century Netherlands

Author:Zuidervaart Huib, van Kalmthout Ton
Publisher:Amsterdam University Press
Abstract: Dutch scholarship has played an important role in philology since the early days of Leiden Universi…

Germany on their Minds

Author:Schenderlein Anne C
Publisher:Berghahn Books
Abstract: Throughout the 1930s and early 1940s, before closing its borders to Jewish refugees, the United Sta…

Human Rights in the Age of Platforms

Author:Jørgensen Rikke Frank
Publisher:The MIT Press
Abstract: Today such companies as Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter play an increasingly import…

#identity: Hashtagging Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Nation

Author:De Kosnik Abigail, Feldman Keith
Publisher:University of Michigan Press
Abstract: "Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has served as a major platform for political performance, social…

The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union / L’avenir de la reconnaissance mutuelle en matière pénale dans l’Union eu…

Author:Vernimmen-Van Tiggelen Gisèle, Surano Laura, Weyembergh Anne, Adamo Silvia, Assenova Mila, Braum Stefan, Caeiro Pedro, Chinova Margarita, Conway Gerard, De Amicis Gaetano, Fidalgo Sónia, Filletti Stefano, Gatt Alison, Ionescu Diana, Kert Robert, Łazowski Adam, Ligeti Katalin, Mickevičius Darius, Mihelj Plesničar Mojca, Mitsilegas Valsamis, Poelemans Maitena, Santamaria Veronica
Publisher:Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles
Abstract: In the EU’s fast-growing Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, the principle of mutual recognition…

Clinical Recovery from CNS Damage

Author:Naritomi Hiroaki, Krieger Derk W.
Abstract: After decades of focusing on how to alleviate and prevent recurrence of acute CNS injuries, the emp…
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