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U.S. History, Go West Young Man! Westward Expansion, 1840-1900, The Impact of Expansion on Chinese Immigrants and Hispanic Citizens
U.S. History, Go West Young Man! Westward Expansion, 1840-1900, Making a Living in Gold and Cattle
U.S. History, Go West Young Man! Westward Expansion, 1840-1900, Introduction
U.S. History, Go West Young Man! Westward Expansion, 1840-1900, Homesteading: Dreams and Realities
U.S. History, Further Reading, Further Reading
U.S. History, From Cold War to Culture Wars, 1980-2000, The Reagan Revolution
U.S. History, From Cold War to Culture Wars, 1980-2000, Political and Cultural Fusions
U.S. History, From Cold War to Culture Wars, 1980-2000, Introduction
U.S. History, From Cold War to Culture Wars, 1980-2000, Bill Clinton and the New Economy
U.S. History, From Cold War to Culture Wars, 1980-2000, A New World Order