Showing results under subject: 'chemistry'

Organic Chemistry Glossary

Author:Gamini Gunawardena
Abstract: This resource was contributed by Gamini Gunawardena, Associate Professor (Chemistry) at Utah Valley…

Organic Chemistry

Abstract: Organic Chemistry research involves the synthesis of organic molecules and the study of their react…

OpenStax Chemistry Atoms-First 2e

Abstract: This sample shell is produced by the California Community Colleges CVC-OEI to support faculty in th…

OpenStax Chemistry (Atoms First)

Abstract: This sample shell is produced by the California Community Colleges CVC-OEI to support faculty in th…

OpenStax Chemistry 2e

Abstract: This sample shell is produced by the California Community Colleges CVC-OEI to support faculty in th…

OpenStax Chemistry

Abstract: This sample shell is produced by the California Community Colleges CVC-OEI to support faculty in th…

OCLUE: Organic Chemistry, Life, the Universe & Everything

Author:Melanie M. Cooper
Abstract: Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon and carbon-containing compounds. Since the core struct…

Logic of Organic Synthesis

Abstract: The job of a synthetic chemist is akin to that of an architect. While the architect could actually …

La chimie générale pour les Gee-Gees

Author:Jessica Thomas
Abstract: Ce manuel a été conçu pour les étudiants inscrits au cours CHM1711 Principes de chimie à l'Universi…

Key Elements of Green Chemistry

Author:Lucian Lucia
Abstract: Green chemistry, in addition to being a science, it is also a philosophy and nearly a religion. Att…
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