Showing results under subject: 'engineering'

Introduction to Aerospace Engineering I

Author:J.M. Hoekstra
Abstract: This first part of the course Introduction to Aerospace Engineering presents an overall picture of …

Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering J.M. Hoekstra
Abstract: This course provides an overview of and introduction to the fundamentals of aeronautics, using the …

Introductie in energie- en industriesystemen

Author:Lecture Notes
Abstract: Deze cursus geeft een introductie op de massa- en energienetwerken die de ruggengraat vormen van de…

Introductiecursus Technische Bestuurskunde

Author:Delft University OpenCourseWare
Abstract: Deze introductiemodule biedt een weergave van de introductieweek van Technische Bestuurskunde. In d…

Intermediate Fluid Mechanics

Author:James Liburdy
Abstract: This book is meant to be a second course in fluid mechanics that stresses applications dealing with…

Intelligent User Experience Engineering

Abstract: The course Intelligent User eXperience Engineering (IUXE) is given for the master programme 'Media …

Instaptoets Wiskunde

Author:Delft University of Technology
Abstract: Parate kennis en algebraĚřsche vaardigheden die onderdeel uitmaken van het Vwo wiskunde B-examenpro…

Industrial Biotechnology Henk Noorman
Abstract: As fossil-based fuels and raw materials contribute to climate change, the use of renewable material…

Inclusive Energy Systems: Exploring Sustainable Energy for All Margot Weijnen
Abstract: For the first time in history, the number of world citizens without access to electricity services …

Impact of Materials on Society

Author:Kevin S. Jones,
Abstract: This textbook supports the Impact of Materials on Society course and teaching materials, developed …
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