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Chapter Cooperative Game Theory and Its Application in Localization Algorithms

Author:Mumtaz Shahid, Rodriguez Jonathan, Hadzic Senk
Abstract: Complementary medicine

Chapter Inventory of GIS-Based Decision Support Systems Addressing Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Waters and Related Inland Watersheds

Author:Iyalomhe F., Rizzi J., Torresan S., Gallina V., Critto A., Marcomini A
Abstract: Cosmology & the universe

Chapter Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Methotrexate Resistance in Melanoma

Author:Sáez-Ayala Magalí, Cabezas-Herrera Juan, Montenegro María F., Neptuno Rodríguez-López José, Piedad Fernández-Pérez María, Sanchez del-Campo Lui
Abstract: Endocrinology

Chapter Challenges for Cost-Effective Microalgae Anaerobic Digestion

Author:Torres Álvaro, Fermoso Fernando G., Rincón Bárbara, Bartacek Jan, Borja Rafael, Jeison Davi
Abstract: Human-computer interaction

Chapter Bioremediation of Chlorobenzoic Acids

Author:Macek Tomas, Vrchotova Blanka, Mackova Martin
Abstract: Hydraulic engineering

Chapter Conceptual Frameworks of Vulnerability Assessments for Natural Disasters Reduction

Author:Ciurean R. L., Schröter Dagmar, Glade Thoma
Abstract: Horticulture

Chapter Fiber Optic-Based Pressure Sensing Surface for Skin Health Management in Prosthetic and Rehabilitation Interventions

Author:Papaioannou George, Tsiokos Dimitris, Kanellos George T., Pissadakis Stavro
Abstract: Applied physics

Chapter MATLAB - A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications - Volume 2

Author:Font-Bach Oriol, Pascual-Iserte Antonio, López Bueno David, Bartzoudis Nikolao
Abstract: Neurology & clinical neurophysiology

Chapter Introductory Chapter: Land Use Change Ecosystem Services and Tropical Forests

Author:Blanco Juan A., Lo Yueh-Hsin, Chang Shih-Chie
Abstract: Meteorology & climatology

Chapter Applying Heat for Joining Textile Materials

Author:Vasiliadis Savvas, Jevšnik Simona, Kurson Bahadir Senem, Stjepanovič Zora
Abstract: The middle of the last century presents the beginning of a wide use of heat technologies for joinin…
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