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Chapter Tactical Communications for Cooperative SAR Robot Missions

Author:Sanchez Jose, Chaudhary Hafeez M., Riobó Yudani, Bueno Cordero Jos
Abstract: This chapter describes how the ICARUS communications (COM) team defined, developed and implemented …

Chapter Measuring Energy

Author:Kerrison Steve, Buschhoff Markus, Nunez-Yanez Jose, Eder Kersti
Abstract: Data centres are part of today's critical information and communication infrastructure, and the maj…

Chapter Studies of Lithium-Oxygen Battery Electrodes by Energy- Dependent Full-Field Transmission Soft X-Ray Microscopy

Author:Tonti Dino, Sorrentino Andrea, Olivares-Marín Mara, Pereiro Ev
Abstract: The employment of printing techniques as cost-effective methods to fabricate low cost, flexible, di…

Chapter Vascular Tissue Development and Regeneration in the Model Plant Arabidopsis

Author:Mazur Ewa, Friml Jiř
Abstract: Development of vascular tissue is a remarkable example of intercellular communication and coordinat…

Chapter The Hypoxia-Reoxygenation Injury Model

Author:Gerő Domoko
Abstract: Near-surface atmospheric measurements over urban or industrial areas aimed at assisting the air-qua…

Chapter Fabrication Methodologies of Biomimetic and Bioactive Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications

Author:Prakasam Mythili, Mioara Piticescu Roxana, Popescu Madalin
Abstract: Tissue engineering has offered wide technologies for developing functional biomaterials substitutes…

Chapter Computation of Scintillation Indices for the Galileo E1 Signals Using a Software Receiver

Author:Vučković Marko, Stanič S
Abstract: Earth sciences

Chapter Performance Analysis of Empirical Ionosphere Models by Comparison with CODE Vertical TEC Maps

Author:Kos Tomislav, Najman Pave
Abstract: Earth sciences

Chapter Automatic Identification and Interpretation of Animal Sounds, Application to Livestock Production Optimisation

Author:Exadaktylos Vasileios, Silva Mitchell, Berckmans Danie
Abstract: Industrial chemistry

Chapter Electromagnetic Radiation Energy Harvesting – The Rectenna Based Approach

Author:Abadal Gabriel, Alda Javier, Agust Jord
Abstract: Botany & plant sciences
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