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Chapter Solution-Processed Graphene-Based Transparent Conductive Electrodes as Ideal ITO Alternatives for Organic Solar Cells

Author:Stylianakis Minas M., Konios Dimitrios, Petridis Konstantinos, Kymakis Emmanue
Abstract: The isolation of free-standing graphene in 2004 was the spark for a new scientific revolution in th…

Chapter Nitric Oxide: Key Features in Spermatozoa

Author:Staicu Florentin-Daniel, Matas Parra Carme
Abstract: Several in vitro studies have pointed to the importance of nitric oxide (NO) in the female and male…

Chapter Dendritic Cell Endocytosis Essential for Viruses and Vaccines

Author:McCullough Kenneth C., Sharma Rajn
Abstract: Nanoconstruction of metals is a significant challenge for the future manufacturing of plasmonic dev…

Chapter Adaptive High Linearity Intensity Modulator for Advanced Microwave Photonic Links

Author:Dingel Benjamin, Madamopoulos Nicholas, Prescod Andr
Abstract: This chapter, first, presents the motivation behind the need for adaptive, highly linear electro-op…

Chapter Lidar Mapping of Near-Surface Aerosol Fields

Author:Dreischuh Tanja, Grigorov Ivan, Peshev Zahary, Deleva Atanaska, Kolarov Georgi, Stoyanov Dimita
Abstract: Near-surface atmospheric measurements over urban or industrial areas aimed at assisting the air-qua…

Chapter Water Quality of Agricultural Drainage Systems in the Czech Republic — Options for Its Improvement

Author:Kvítek Tomáš, Zajíček Antonín, Duffková Renata, Fučík Pet
Abstract: Hydrology & the hydrosphere

Chapter Efficient and Validated Time Domain Numerical Modeling of Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOAs) and SOA-based Circuits

Author:Vagionas Christos, Bos Jan, Kanellos George T., Pleros Nikos, Miliou Amali
Abstract: Artificial intelligence

Chapter Biomarkers in Rare Genetic Diseases

Author:Ferlini Alessandra, Scotton C
Abstract: Today, as the need of new regenerative solutions is steadily increasing, the demand for new bio-dev…

Chapter Pollutant Degradation in Gas Streams by means of Non-Thermal Plasmas

Author:Paradisi Cristina, Brandenburg Ronny, Giardina Agata, Marotta Ester, Schiorlin Milko, Basner Ral
Abstract: Biomedical engineering

Chapter The Potential of the Photoautotroph Synechocystis for Metal Bioremediation

Author:Naveena Balakrishnan, Armshaw Patricia, Tony Pembroke J
Abstract: Pollution & threats to the environment
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