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Chapter Unmanned Ground and Aerial Robots Supporting Mine Action Activities

Author:Doroftei Ioan, Baudoin Yvan, Balta Haris, De Cubber Geert, Doroftei Daniel
Abstract: Lightweight protective structures and materials such as the personal protective equipment (PPE) for…

Chapter Multi-Period Attack-Aware Optical Network Planning under Demand Uncertainty

Author:Manousakis Konstantinos, Kolios Panayiotis, Ellinas Georgio
Abstract: In this chapter, novel attack‐aware routing and wavelength assignment (Aa‐RWA) algorithms for multi…

Chapter RoCKIn@Home: Domestic Robots Challenge

Author:Nardi Daniele, Capobianco Roberto, Lima Pedro U., Bastianelli Emanuele, Kraetzschmar Gerhard K., Iocchi Luc
Abstract: Service robots performing complex tasks involving people in houses or public environments are becom…

Chapter Operational Validation of Search and Rescue Robots

Author:Cubber Geert De, Doroftei Daniela, Balta Haris, Matos Anibal, Silva Eduardo, Serrano Daniel, Govindaraj Shashank, Roda Rui, Lobo Victor, Marques Mário, Wagemans Ren
Abstract: This chapter describes how the different ICARUS unmanned search and rescue tools have been evaluate…

Chapter Airborne and Ground-Borne Noise and Vibration from Urban Rail Transit Systems

Author:Kouroussis Georges, Vogiatzis Konstantino
Abstract: This chapter addresses recent progress in the field of polymer thermoelectric materials. It covers …

Chapter Energy-Aware Software Engineering

Author:Eder Kerstin, Gallagher John P
Abstract: Polystyrene (PS) is a petroleum‐based plastic made from styrene (vinyl benzene) monomer. Since it w…

Chapter Above‐Ground Biomass Estimation with High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images

Author:Cristina Gonçalves Ana, Sousa Adélia, Marques daSilva José R
Abstract: Assessment and monitoring of forest biomass are frequently done with allometric functions per speci…

Chapter Polystyrene as Hazardous Household Waste

Author:Shaw Ian C., Farrelly Trisi
Abstract: During the Humanitarian‐demining actions, teleoperation of sensors or multi‐sensor heads can enhanc…

Chapter A Review of Compliant Movement Primitives

Author:Gams Andrej, Ude Ales, Petrič Tadej, Denisa Mih
Abstract: Neurodegenerative diseases are being modelled in-vitro using human patient-specific, induced plurip…

Chapter Remote Sensing Studies of Urban Canopies: 3D Radiative Transfer Modeling

Author:Landier Lucas, Lauret Nicolas, Yin Tiangang, Bitar Ahmad Al, Gastellu-Etchegorry JeanPhilippe, Feigenwinter Christian, Parlow Eberhard, Mitraka Zina, Chrysoulakis Nektario
Abstract: Need for better understanding and more accurate estimation of radiative fluxes in urban environment…
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