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Chapter Biocytin-Based Contrast Agents for Molecular Imaging: An Approach to Developing New In Vivo Neuroanatomical Tracers for MRI

Author:Engelmann Jörn, Beyerlein Michael, Schüz Almut, Mishra R, Mishra Anurag, Dhingra K, Logothetis Nikos K., Canals Santiag
Abstract: Geology & the lithosphere

Chapter New Opportunities in Metabolomics and Biochemical Phenotyping for Plant Systems Biology

Author:Yves Gibon, Dominique Rolin, Catherine Deborde, Stphane Bernillon, Annick Moin
Abstract: Pollution control

Chapter Are Polyfunctional Cells Protective in M. tuberculosis Infection

Author:Dieli Francesco, Caccamo Nadi
Abstract: Materials / States of matter

Chapter Optical fibers and optical fiber sensors used in radiation monitoring

Author:McCarthy D., Sporea Dan, O'Keeffe Sinead, Sporea Adelina, Lewis Elfe
Abstract: Communications engineering / telecommunications

Chapter On Efficiency of ARQ and HARQ Entities Interaction in WiMAX Networks

Author:Mach Pavel, Becvar Zdene
Abstract: Space science

Chapter A Clinical Application of Fuzzy Logic

Author:Esmaili Ahmad, Riboldi Marco, Pella Andera, Negarestani Ali, Rahnema Mohamad, Baroni Guid
Abstract: Applied optics

Chapter Switching Noise in 3D Power Distribution Networks: An Overview

Author:Ahmad Waqar, Tenhune Hann
Abstract: Physiology

Chapter Biocompatible Ceramic – Glass Composite – Manufacturing and Selected Physical – Mechanical Properties

Author:Staniewicz–Brudnik Barbara, Lekka Małgorzat
Abstract: Environmental monitoring

Chapter On the Optical Response of Nanoparticles: Directionality Effects and Optical Forces

Author:Garcia-Camara Braulio, Gonzalez Francisco, Moreno Fernando, Gomez-Medina Raquel, Saenz Juan Jose, Nieto-Vesperinas Manue
Abstract: Organic chemistry

Chapter A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Remote Healthcare Monitoring by Learning and Recognizing Human Activities of Daily Living

Author:Dorizzi Bernadette, Istrate Dan, Louis Baldinger Jean, Achraf Dhouib Mohamed, Bougueroua Lamine, Medjahed Hamid, Boudy Jerom
Abstract: Systems analysis & design
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