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Chapter Nutrigenomics and Atherosclerosis: The Postprandial and Long-Term Effects of Virgin Olive Oil Ingestion

Author:Lopez Sergio, Abia Rocio, Muriana Francisco J.G., Bermudez Beatriz, Ortega Almudena, Varela Lourdes M
Abstract: Metals technology / metallurgy

Chapter Sleep Spindles – As a Biomarker of Brain Function and Plasticity

Author:Urakami Yuko, Ioannides Andreas A., Kostopoulos George K
Abstract: Alternative & renewable energy sources & technology

Chapter Threats to Ultraoligotrophic Marine Ecosystems

Author:Hall-Spencer Jason M., Kletou Demetri
Abstract: Applied optics

Chapter Pumped-Storage and Hybrid Energy Solutions Towards the Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Water Systems

Author:Ramos Helena M
Abstract: Communications engineering / telecommunications

Chapter Flow Based Enumeration of Plasmablasts in Peripheral Blood After Vaccination as a Novel Diagnostic Marker for Assessing Antibody Responses in…

Author:Thon Vojtěch, Vlkova Marcela, Litzman Jiří, Chovancová Zita, Lokaj Jindřic
Abstract: Computer modelling & simulation

Chapter Regional-Scale Assessment of the Climatic Role of Forests Under Future Climate Conditions

Author:Gálos Borbála, Jacob Daniel
Abstract: Diseases & disorders

Chapter Claystone as a Potential Host Rock for Nuclear Waste Storage

Author:Máthé Zoltán, Lázár Károl
Abstract: Pharmacology

Chapter Crystallization of Membrane Proteins: Merohedral Twinning of Crystals

Author:Borshchevskiy V., Gordeliy V
Abstract: Environmental management

Chapter Biomethanol from Glycerol

Author:Heeres Hero J., van Bennekom Joost G., Venderbosch R. H
Abstract: Medical bioinformatics

Chapter Glycoproteomics of Lubricin-Implication of Important Biological Glyco- and Peptide-Epitopes in Synovial Fluid

Author:Ali Liaqat, Karlsson Niclas G., Jin Chunshen
Abstract: Sustainability
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