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Science Fiction Literature in East Germany

Author:Fritzsche Sonj
Publisher:Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Abstract: East German science fiction enabled its authors to create a subversive space in another time and pl…

Hans-Michael Geiger- Informational Efficiency in Speculative Markets- A Theoretical Investigation

Author:Münch Wolfgan
Publisher:Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Abstract: The purpose of this work is to provide a critical presentation and some extensions of two perspecti…

Effects of EU Enlargement to the Central European Countries on Agricultural Markets

Author:Münch Wolfgan
Publisher:Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Abstract: Accession of the Central and Eastern European Countries is one of the biggest political projects fo…

Agglomeration and Regional Unemployment Disparities

Author:Südekum Jen
Publisher:Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Abstract: In the European Union, unemployment rates differ markedly across regions, both within and across na…

Effects of Including Agricultural Products in the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU

Author:Grethe Haral
Publisher:Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Abstract: The inclusion of agricultural products in the current customs union is one of the potential future …

The Stability of Currency Boards

Author:Stukenbrock Ka
Publisher:Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Abstract: The 1990s saw a revival of the currency board system, and proponents have advocated it as an easy-t…

The Russian Journey of Karel Havlíček Borovský

Author:Heim Michael Henr
Publisher:Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Abstract: Little is known of Karel Havlíček Borovský (1821-56) outside Czechoslovakia, but his fellow Czechs …

Middle Low German Loanwords in Russian

Author:Thomas Georg
Publisher:Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Abstract: This book was conceived with the idea of collecting as far as possible all the MLG loanwords in Rus…

On the Beneficence of Censorship

Author:Loseff Le
Publisher:Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Abstract: Lev Loseff (1937), der Leningrad 1976 verlassen musste und seit 1979 in Hannover, New Hampshire am …

The Peripheral Plural Endings of Nouns in Petrine Sermons

Author:Dingley Joh
Publisher:Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Abstract: In der Reihe Slavistische Beiträge werden vor allem slavistische Dissertationen des deutschsprachig…
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