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Chapter Introduction to the Use of Robotic Tools for Search and Rescue

Author:De Cubber Geert, Doroftei Daniela, Roda Rui, Silva Eduardo, Ourevitch Stephane, Matos Anibal, Berns Karsten, Serrano Daniel, Sanchez Jose, Bedkowski Janusz, Govindaraj Shashank, Rudin Konra
Abstract: Modern search and rescue workers are equipped with a powerful toolkit to address natural and man-ma…

Chapter X‐Ray Spectroscopy on Biological Systems

Author:Czapla-Masztafiak Joanna, Kwiatek Wojciech M., Sá Jacinto, Szlachetko Jaku
Abstract: Oxide-based electronics have been well established as an alternative to silicon technology; however…

Chapter Smartphone: The Ultimate IoT and IoE Device

Author:Ajana El Khaddar Mehdia, Boulmalf Mohamme
Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE) are emerging communication concepts that …

Chapter Plasmonics Devoted to Photocatalytic Applications in Liquid, Gas, and Biological Environments

Author:Hueso Jose L., Arca-Ramos Adriana, Bueno-Alejo Carlos J
Abstract: Plasmonic nanomaterials have emerged in the last years as a very interesting option for many photoc…

Chapter Opportunities of Scanning Probe Microscopy for Electrical, Mechanical and Electromechanical Research of Semiconductor Nanowires

Author:Geydt Pavel , Dunaevskiy M. S., Lähderanta Erkk
Abstract: In this chapter, three types of phenomena (electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical) that can …

Chapter Energy Efficiency for 5G Multi-Tier Cellular Networks

Author:Ho Lee Moon, Hashem Ali Khan Md
Abstract: This chapter provides an introduction to quantifying the energy consumed by software. It is written…

Chapter Genetic Algorithm Optimization of an Energy Storage System Design and Fuzzy Logic Supervision for Battery Electric Vehicles

Author:Breban Stefa
Abstract: This chapter presents a methodology to optimize the capacity and power of the ultracapacitor (UC) e…

Chapter Photocatalytic Properties of Commercially Available TiO2 Powders for Pollution Control

Author:Nuño Manuel, Ball Richard J., Bowen Chris R
Abstract: Infrared (IR) radiation comprises a beam located in the electromagnetic radiation family; it arises…

Chapter State of the Art of Magnetic Gears, their Design, and Characteristics with Respect to EV Application

Author:Fodorean Danie
Abstract: This chapter briefly explains the advantage of using magnetic gears (MGs) for transportation applic…

Chapter Solution Combustion Synthesis: Applications in Oxide Electronics

Author:Branquinho Rita, Santa Ana, Carlos Emanuel, Salgueiro Daniela, Barquinha Pedro, Martins Rodrigo, Fortunato Elvir
Abstract: In this article, the degree of concentration of wages in Spain at the provincial and regional level…
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