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Chapter Optimization of the Synthesis Procedures of Graphene and Graphite Oxide

Author:Luis Valverde Palomino José, Romero Izquierdo Amaya, Sánchez Silva MaríaLuz, del Prado Lavín López Marí
Abstract: The optimization of both the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) synthesis method to prepare graphene a…

Chapter Clean Water from Clean Energy: Decentralised Drinking Water Production Using Wind Energy Powered Electrodialysis

Author:Malek Payam, Schulte-Herbrüggen Helfrid M.A., Ortiz Juan M
Abstract: Supply of potable water requires energy and unfortunately most of the countries with minimal access…

Chapter Fracture Toughening Mechanisms in Epoxy Adhesives

Author:Zuppolini Simona, Zarrelli Mauro, Zotti Aldobenedett
Abstract: Fracture toughness is generally considered as the main properties of a polymer or a polymer adhesiv…

Chapter Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Filter Bank Multi‐Carrier (FBMC)‐ Based 5G Networks with Estimated Channel State Information (CSI)

Author:Lv Hengwei, Zhang Haijian, Li Pandon
Abstract: The heterogeneous cellular network (HCN) is most significant as a key technology for future fifth-g…

Chapter Screening of Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill) Genotypes for Resistance to Rust, Yellow Mosaic and Pod Shattering

Author:Tyagi S. D., Dar Z. A., Khan M. H
Abstract: Applied optics

Chapter Ant Algorithms for Adaptive Edge Detection

Author:Jevtic Aleksandar, Li B
Abstract: Diseases & disorders

Chapter Nanostructured Biosensors: Influence of Adhesion Layer, Roughness and Size on the LSPR: A Parametric Study

Author:Kessentini Sameh, Barchiesi Dominiqu
Abstract: Production engineering

Chapter Energy Efficient Mobility Management for the Macrocell – Femtocell LTE Network

Author:Xenakis Dionysis, Passas Nikos, Verikoukis Christos, Radwan Ayman, Rodriguez Jonatha
Abstract: Organic chemistry

Chapter Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Mucinous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer, and Survival Following a Mucinous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer D…

Author:O'Malley Cynthia D., Kahn Amy R., Wike Jennifer M., Stewart Sherri L., Thompson Trevor D., Schymura Maria J., Cress Rosemary D
Abstract: Alternative & renewable energy sources & technology

Chapter Smart Technical Textiles Based on Fiber Optic Sensors

Author:Krebber Katerin
Abstract: Biochemistry
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