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Chapter Chemical Detection of Short-Lived Species Induced in Aqueous Media by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma

Author:Gorbanev Yury, Bogaerts Annemi
Abstract: Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas are widely used in biomedical research and clinical applic…

Chapter Herbal Medicinal Products in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Author:Maksimović Zoran, Samardžić Steva
Abstract: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis, which represents a substantial economic b…

Chapter Evolving Roles of Spontaneous Reporting Systems to Assess and Monitor Drug Safety

Author:Cosimo Antonazzo Ippazio, Salvo Francesco, Raschi Emanuel, Pariente Antoine, Moretti Ugo, Poluzzi Elisabetta, De Ponti Fabrizi
Abstract: This chapter aims to describe current and emerging roles of spontaneous reporting systems (SRSs) fo…

Chapter Estimating the Effect of Voters’ Media Awareness on the 2016 US Presidential Election

Author:Gallego Maria, Dique Laure
Abstract: We examine whether voter media awareness of the 2016 US Presidential election campaign influenced t…

Chapter Introductory Chapter: Agricultural Waste as a Source of Raw Materials

Author:Aladjadjiyan Ann
Abstract: Agricultural science

Chapter Introductory Chapter: Why Do We Need Rapid Detection of Pathogens?

Author:Kivirand Kairi, Rinken Toonik
Abstract: Biotechnology

Chapter Additive Manufacturing Applied to the Design of Small Satellite Structure for Space Debris Reduction

Author:Caparrós Andrés, Becedas Jonatha
Abstract: Space debris has become a major aspect in the last few years. The vast amount of artificial objects…

Chapter Potentials and Challenges of Additive Manufacturing Technologies for Heat Exchanger

Author:Scheithauer Uwe, Kordaß Richard, Noack Kevin, F. Eichenauer Martin, Hartmann Mathias, Abel Johannes, Ganzer Gregor, Lordick Danie
Abstract: The rapid development of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies enables a radical paradigm shift …

Chapter Effects of Water Scarcity on the Performances of the Agricultural Sector and Adaptation Strategies in Tunisia

Author:Chebil Ali, Jebari Sihem, Thabet Chokri, Frija Aymen, Makhlouf Marie
Abstract: The chapter aims to develop a regionally disaggregated agricultural supply model for Tunisia in ord…

Chapter Mechanisms of Charge Transport and Photoelectric Conversion in CdTe-Based X- and Gamma-Ray Detectors

Author:Maslyanchuk Olena, Melnychuk Stepan, Gnatyuk Volodymyr, Aoki Tor
Abstract: This chapter deals with (i) the charge transport mechanisms in X- and gamma-ray detectors both Ohmi…
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